
How To Choose School for Your Child – 5 Things To Consider

If having a baby was the most important decision that you had taken as a couple, then the second most important decision that you would take is choosing the best school for your child. This decision is vital as you would be putting them towards their lifelong path. The school is the gateway to their life and care must be taken while making the decision. If you are worried about how to choose a good school for your child that would be fun yet effective for them, then these tips may come handy.

Understand your child’s unique needs

Every child is unique and has her own set of preferences and dislikes. If they are not set in proper environment that would allow them to bloom properly, then you cannot expect the best from them. As a parent, you must try to be aware of what they like and shortlist schools that would match their personality.

Consider your kid’s level of independence

When you are choosing a school for your child, understand your kid first. Does he still throw tantrums, can he spend time with others without you, is he able to make the other understand what he wants to express? Can your child manage the tantrums of other kids, is he able to take his food on his own? Try to answer these questions and then it would be much easier for you to find out the best place which would be the best for him.

School Policies and Curriculum

Every school claims to have the best policies and procedures to teach their pupils. It’s your duty to verify that whatever they are claiming is correct and their curriculum is fit for your child to grasp. Depending upon the aptitude level and preferences of your kid, you can choose a school, but do ask other parents about the environment inside the school.

Quality of teachers and teaching

If you really want to know how to choose a school for your child, make sure you know about the teachers and the way they teach your child. Ask the parents of the children who are already in the school, and you can come to know about the quality of the teaching. If you want to make sure then try to check the development of their child.

Location and transportation

Next thing that you must consider while choosing the school is its location from your home. Would it be very far away for your child to commute from home? Is the transportation facility good enough so that your kid can travel everyday with ease?

While choosing the right school for your child, all the above points would help you find the best place where your child can learn with fun and develop for his forthcoming life.

At School of India, we provide individual attention for the growth of all our students. We are currently open to inquiries for the coming academic year. For inquiries, please click here.


Role of Parents in Emotional Development of Children

Ever wondered how to handle the emotional rush in your kids? Well, childhood is one most perceptive phases of your kid’s life and it is pretty normal for them to have behavioral changes at various ages. This is the time when they start having a flash of emotions and don’t understand how to handle or identify them.

However, as parents, you have to understand their emotional pangs and equip them with ways to deal with the same. Role of parents in emotional development of Children is very crucial. Well, the job is extremely simple. All you need to do is communicate with your little ones and help them identify the right ways to express their emotions. This will make them emotionally secure and will prevent all kinds of behavioral problems. We’ve figured out a few things that you can do to make your kid feel better. Read on, for some quick tips.

Being sensitive to your kid

Yes! You can ‘actually’ make your kids feel better and improve their emotional development by being sensitive. Observe your little one’s behavior and listen to whatever he has to say. If your child cannot express his feelings verbally, encourage him to show gestures and tones that will help you identify his mood.  Accept the feelings of your child and help him differentiate between the good and bad. This will be inherent in the development of his emotion and personality in the long run.

Encouraging and positive feedback

Kids love encouraging words and praises, and this factor has a great effect on their emotional development. If you constantly criticize them and expose their flaws, they will feel bad and lose self confidence. Thus, to trigger their positive emotions you have to be encouraging with them. No matter whatever small job your kid does, encourage him to do that and give him a positive feedback if he does it well.

If something goes wrong and your kid is unhappy, console him and teach him the basic lessons of life. Instead of asking him to compete with others, ask your kid to concentrate more on his performance and compete with himself. This positive behavior will play a significant role in developing your kids’ emotions.

Providing kids the opportunities to solve an issue independently

This is another major factor which can improve your kids, emotionally. Right from their childhood, try to make your kids independent. Encourage them to do things on their own. This will help in developing their problem solving abilities. Thus, your kid will be able to cope, even in the worst of all situations. They will feel independent and good about themselves while handling the little activities alone. However, while giving them the opportunity don’t forget to keep a close watch. Help them solve situations and if they can’t do anything even after trying, encourage them to try harder.

Spending special moments with kids

With the hustle and bustle of our lives, it becomes pretty difficult to keep pace with the kids. But if you want them to enjoy good emotional development try to spend some special moments with them. Talk to them and engage in any activity, which both of you love. This will foster their emotional development and the relationship between you and your child.

All in all, follow these guidelines for your kids’ emotional development.  These tips will surely help them a great deal to overcome their behavioral and emotional problems.


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