
How To Make Math Easy – 5 Easy Ways

Mathematics is considered tough by majority of kids in their school lives, which is probably one reason why parents should consider giving better training. With little patience, a bit of enthusiasm and a few interactive sessions, math can get way more attention-grabbing and innovative. Take a look at these 5 out-of-the-box ways that can make math fun and engaging for anyone.

Add a dash of innovation to the technique

This is without a doubt the greatest way to make math effortless for your little ones. Kids are generally attracted to material, which are appealing and fascinating. So instead of confining math to their text-books, try adding a dash of innovation to the classes. For instance, while explaining the basic idea of addition and subtraction, use real stuff that they can feel and touch. You can use chocolates, pencils, tiny cereal pieces and also fruit snacks to explain the basic idea of math. They will totally love this innovative class.

‘Story math’ can be fun

Wondering what ‘story math’ is? Well, it is simply some of the real-world applications of math. Kids generally dread numbers, but when you explain the same numbers with the help of a real-life problem, they will enjoy each and every bit of it. Create real-world situations and ask them to use math in solving them. They will love the idea and will also start loving math.

Audio-visual sessions

With the advent of technology, audio video sessions have turned out to be extremely popular. In fact, this is probably the best way to make math fun for kids. Gone are the days when kids would spend hours brainstorming on textual problems. Thus, with audio-video sessions you can make math more engaging and interactive for them. For instance, if you explain the simple theories of math with an audio-video presentation that has lot of images and interesting stuff, kids would immediately love it.

A lot of enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is a key factor for any subject and math too is not an exception. Kids would definitely hate the subject when their educators themselves have a boring concept about math. So instead of frightening kids with daunting math exercises, try to be enthusiastic in your approach of teaching. This will automatically make them interested in the subject. You should also encourage the kids to study math with the same the enthusiasm they have for other subjects. Constantly encourage them with the subject and try to make it extremely interesting as well.


No matter whatever be the age of the kid, self-studying is one of the best ways to get through daunting math lessons. Encourage kids to practice math themselves. If they find the textbook boring, let them highlight the various theories, with colored pen. All in all, let your kids customize their own math lesson. Allow them to think out-of-the-box. If they practice more and spend more time in self studying, math is bound to be easier for them.

Thus, all you need to do is be patient and follow these innovative ways of doing math. Kids will totally love the techniques and the intriguing approach of dealing their boring textual sums. In fact, you will soon find them enjoying math like never before. So why wait? Follow these guidelines and let your kids enjoy the sheer fun from their math lessons.


How To Make Your Child Happy – 3 Simple Ways

There are few things that can match the joy of seeing your child happy. The minds of little ones aren’t littered with materialistic needs, unless you have pampered your kid overly, and even the smallest things can bring the ultimate smile that will make your day. There are many minute things that can make your child immensely contented. Instead of wondering how to make your child happy, check these three things that are worth trying


Making your child learn or do a task can be difficult at first. However, once you figure out how to make your child understand the importance of the task, making them do it gets easier. Even after all the efforts, your child might not be very cheerful when doing the task. You do not have to deal with a sulking child every time you make them do the regular tasks that bore them.

You can give pleasure to the child simply by giving him/her a reward. For cleaning up the room, you can give your child some money that acts as a bonus to their pocket money. Similarly for good marks, you can take them out to the restaurant of their choice. So, by giving rewards you can make mundane tasks seem fruitful. But do not give rewards for tasks that they need to do. For example, do not reward them for doing their homework. This can ruin their habit and they can start wanting rewards for every task they perform.


Few children enjoy being cooped up indoors for too long. This is why going on a little trip can bring a smile to their faces. You do not have to plan a holiday to Disneyland to make your child happy. A week end trip to the beach or the hills can be enough. Again do not take your child to places that they do not enjoy visiting. Taking your child to visit your elderly relatives might not be a trip that they would enjoy. Think of fun and exciting places to take you child. Always ask your child where they want to go, before making the plan.


Most parents today are working parents. Thus they get to spend very little time with their children. This is why “how to make your child happy” can be answered simply by spending time with the child. Parent child bond is one that is getting weaker and weaker in the society. But since parents are the first friends that every child has, it is important for the parents to be present. Even if you are busy show your child that you can make time for them. Read them a bed-time story at night, play games with them on the weekends. These simple activities can make your child happier than you can imagine.

Thus, all you need to do is put in just the right amount of effort to make your child a happy child.


How To Eat Healthy – 5 Good Eating Habits For Your Kids

In a world where junk food is plenty, the question of how to eat healthy is a crucial one. During the formative years of your child, you cannot afford to jeopardize their physical growth. This is why it is so imperative to develop good eating habits for kids. Instilling good eating habits can be hard, when it comes to children, since they do not understand the concept of health very well. So, the physical health of your child is equivalently proportionate to the eating habits you inculcate in them.

Here are 5 good eating habits for kids that can help your child’s growth.

Cut out junk

Junk food today are not only high in sugar and oil, they are high in harmful chemicals as well. Hormone boosters have been reported to be an ingredient in many common junk foods. When you are letting your children consume junk food you are putting their bodies at risk from many aspects. Indulging in junk food once in a while can be absolutely fine, but do not make junk food a part of their regular diet.

Add variety

Generally, children get bored of eating the same food again and again. At the same time feeding your child the same food can result in deprivation of important nutrients. By bringing a variety in what you serve your child, you cater to their taste buds as well as their body’s nutritional needs. Try to incorporate all kinds of protein, vegetables and grains. If your child does not like a particular type food then try to mask it by preparing a dish that masks the flavors.

Chew well and eat slow

When we eat our stomach takes time to send signals to our brain that tells us we are full. If your child eats fast then they might end up overeating. At the same time if they eat too slowly then they can have a false sense of having a full stomach. This is why you need to teach your child to chew their food well; the time it takes is just the right time. Chewing well is also good for digestion since the food breakdown process for digestions starts off in the mouth.

Regulate portions

Portion control can be as important as cutting out junk food. Even if you are serving your child a good home cooked meal, eating too much or too little of it can be problematic. Mostly child give a hard time to parents when it comes to eating. Always make sure that you have a fixed portion that your child must eat. By not eating the right amount your child’s growth can be hampered.

Fixed meal timings

Today most people have highly erratic lives. But allowing your child to have an erratic routine is out of the question. Having fixed meal timings for the whole family can ensure that no meal is skipped. It can also be important for the family to bond over a meal. So, having fixed family meal timings can be a very healthy eating habit.

How to eat healthy is in the hands of parents, so when you cook a meal always think about your child’s health.

 Do you find this information useful? Share your inputs, we would like to hear from you.  School of India‘s teaching practices are inspired from from the rich legacy of India . We focus on holistic development of children rather than just focusing on academics.


Encouraging Creativity In Children To Help Bring The Best In Your Kids

Do you know that encouraging creativity in children can help their mental development? Teaching your child the alphabets, numbers and basic manners might not be all that you can do for your child’s development. A good parent needs to work on a child’s both mental as physical growth.

You might be wondering how creativity can be crucial for mental development. Let us take a look.

Importance of Encouraging Creativity in Children

Research has shown that it is through a child’s creative sense that one can make out the level of mental development. So, if your child has a creative flair then he or she might have an average or above average mental development rate.

If your child does not show any signs of creativity it might be because of your parenting. You are responsible for encouraging creativity in your child. By encouraging your child to be creative you can improve their social skills, problem solving skills, ability to stabilize emotions and ability to think outside the box. A creative child can also be a happy child. The manifold benefits of creativity are why you need to focus on it before methodical education.

How to encourage creativity?

Now that you know that it is important for your child to be creative, you need to find ways of helping your child blossom. You do not have to force the stereotypical arts onto your child in an effort to make them creative. Here are a few tips that can help you be creative in encouraging creativity:

  • Most children enjoy songs; this is why we see that nursery rhymes are in sing-song forms. When you are teaching your child try to sing it to them. There already are some rhymes which incorporate the alphabets as well as good habits. You can encourage your child to sing along with you.
  • Dancing is another activity that most children enjoy. Just put on a song and dance away to glory with your child. You can afford to have two left feet so long as your child enjoys the activity.
  • Art and crafts can be made more fun by using more interesting art supplies. Pay a little extra to get the crayons that are shaped like animals or the glittery sketch pens. The flashier the supply the more fun your child will have with it.
  • Reading and storytelling are two of the most crucial habits that you can incorporate in your child. If your child is too young you can simply read the books to them. For older children you can ask them to read to you. You can even start off a story and ask your child to complete it using their imagination. This allows your child to think outside the box.
  • But to allow your child to really think outside the box you need to give them a taste of the outside world. Do not keep your child locked up in the safety of your home. Take your child to the playground, the park, the zoo and even places like museums.

These are merely a few ways by which you can encourage your child to be creative. But you cannot instill creativity in your child if you are not creative with your methods. So go ahead and be creative with your parenting.

Do you find this information useful? Share your inputs, we would like to hear from you. At School of India we encourage creativity in children for overall development. Enquiries are open for 2015 batch.


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