
Carbohydrate + Vitamins = Healthy Children & Care + Love = Happy Children

Just like the way nutrients like Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Calcium, Iron, Fat, Proteins and Minerals are important for the healthy physical growth of children, many essential nutrients like Care, Affection, Trust, Support, Love, Endurance and Kindness are essential for the development of ‘Happy children‘.

For complete Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and Social Maturation, children need both these kinds of nutrients. They can get Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Calcium, Iron, Fat, Proteins and Minerals from the well-balanced meals cooked in the loving hearth of their homes, but from where and how will they get Care, Values, Affection, Trust, Support, Love, Endurance and Kindness?

They can get these ‘life-supporting nutrients‘ from parents and teachers. These nutrients will make them ‘Strong Individuals’ so that they can face and overcome all the challenges in life with courage and confidence. Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school, and in their communities.

Love, faith, affection, trust, support, endurance and kindness should be the center of family and school life.

Love them unconditionally

Children need to know that love does not depend on his or her achievements. Allow them to make mistakes. Yes, because confidence grows in the environment that is full of unconditional love, trust, endurance and affection.

Compliment them

Encouraging children’s struggle to learn something new helps them to develop a desire to explore and learn about their surroundings. Allow children to experiment new things. Assure them with affection and talking to them often. Being an active participant in their activities will build their confidence and self-worth.

Set Sensible Goals

Children need sensible goals that match their ambitions with their abilities. With the help of teachers and parents, they can choose activities that suit and test their own capabilities and increase their self-confidence.

Be Straightforward

Failures shouldn’t be hidden from children.  This will tell them that we all make mistakes. It will be extremely supportive for them to know that no one is perfect. This will give them the courage to share their failures, concerns and fears with us.

Support children 

Encourage children not only to do their best, but also to enjoy the practice and progress. Experimenting new activities will teach children teamwork, self-esteem and new skills.

Encourage Children to Play

To children, play is just enjoyment. However, playtime is as essential to their growth as food. Playtime helps children to be creative, learn problem-solving skills and self-control. Good, hardy play, which includes running and yelling, is not only fun, but helps children to be physically and mentally healthy.

Allow children to choose their Playmates 

It is very important for children to spend time with their friends.  This will help children to discover their strengths and weaknesses, develop a sense of belonging, and learn how to get along with different people.

Parents and Teachers can be Great Playmates 

Be part of the fun with children! It is worth it! Playing Ludo, Carrom, Snake and ladder, Monopoly or drawing and coloring with children gives a great opportunity to share ideas and spend time together in a relaxed setting. This is ‘quality time’ that we often talk about.

Play for Fun

One of the most important questions to ask children is “Did you enjoy?’’ and not “Did you win?” Winning is not as important as being involved and enjoying the activity. In our adult world, we often give importance to success and winning. This attitude can be discouraging and frustrating to children who are learning and experimenting with new ideas. It’s more important for children to participate and enjoy themselves.

Disapprove of the behaviour, not the child

It is more appropriate to say, “That was a horrible thing to do,” rather than “You are a horrible boy or girl.”

Avoid nagging, threats and bribery

Children will start to ignore nagging, and threats and bribes are seldom successful. Giving children the reasons “why” they are being disciplined and what the potential consequences of their actions are will work better.

Talk about your feelings

It’s ok to lose temper sometimes. If it happens, it is important to talk about what happened and why you were angry.  It is also ok to apologize if you were wrong!

We all make mistakes and no one is perfect. More importantly, instead of trying to control children, it is important to teach them self-control. And when everything fails, a hug and ‘I love you,’ will work for sure!

Special Thanks to Kavita Bhupta Ghosh , teacher of DPS, Bangalore South, for sharing her thoughts. This Guest Post has been written by Kavith Ghosh.


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